What made us happy were new clients, CSR events & projects, and our new colleagues. In preparing this article, we realized how much fun we have had this past year 🙂

Increasing the safety of TULIP platform
GDPR affects everyone, TULIP included and we are working on the fulfilment of its terms. TULIP has ISO certificates and is still a Microsoft certificated silver partner, which means we are experts in delivering Microsoft solutions to clients, especially Dynamics NAV.
Penetration tests made by the Slovak specialist Nethemba were a valuable experience. They basically hacked TULIP to find any ’holes’ in the system, so we could immediately improve its safety. These tests are being repeated, so as to not neglect the solution´s ongoing quality.
New clients in TULIP platform
At the beginning of 2017, we wrote an article where we mentioned that TULIP had 18 443 users in 14 different countries. Today, there are now 28 450 TULIP users in more than 500 companies. We started partnerships with outsourcing companies that use TULIP as a safe and reliable tool for communication and data exchange with their clients in the areas of accounting, payroll and tax.
Event participation
In 2017, we were again a general partner for the Czech e-accounting conference called „Elektronické účetnictví 2017“. Viktor and Veronika prepared some examples of accounting process digitalization at our clients´ companies.
In Slovakia, we were invited to many beautiful events. CAMIT, or “Taliansko-Slovenská obchodná komora” celebrated their 20 years in Reduta. SOHK – “Slovensko–rakúska obchodná komora” prepared an amazing summer party at Kittsee castle. At the end of the year, there was also a huge event – IT gala 2017, where the best IT companies in Slovakia were celebrated and awarded. We attended all of these events and we’re extremely grateful for these invitations.

Photo by: Digital visions
Corporate social responsibility
We realise that even the smallest things can have an impact on our environment. Therefore, we express sincere thanks to the people in the management of the company for their support in CSR activities. Even if it takes up time that we should really be spending on other activities at work.
In June, a non-profit organization Nadácia Pontis prepared a traditional volunteering event „Naše mesto“. TULIP helped an asylum house to renovate their garden. In September, we joined another volunteering event “Bratislavský týždeň dobrovoľníctva” and took care of another garden (potential of a new career? J). It was in a place called “Centrum Memory”, where we planted new tulips. In the same month, we also donated a part of ourselves physically, because we donated some blood.

In November, we joined the international community “Giving Tuesday” and with Nadácia Pontis, we visited the pet shelter ‘Sloboda zvierat’ in Bratislava with some food and blankets for their animals.
In the upcoming year 2018, we are ready to start cooperation with ’Aj Ty v IT’ movement, which persuades young Slovak girls to go and study IT, an area in which they are really needed.
TULIP’s life
The most delightful change has come with our new employees. We’re happy to welcome 5 new colleagues: Martin, Michal, Diana, Dávid and Vlado. We wish for them not a single boring day at the office :).
New people are always the biggest change in a company’s dynamic. But for TULIP, there was one more big change. In the summer, we relocated to the business centre Twin city C, which is positioned in the centre of Bratislava. Hence, we can now enjoy the Old Town and all of its advantages.
None of our good traditions have changed. Every Tuesday, we have a breakfast together. Different feasts bring different surprises (Halloween breakfast, St. Nicolaus gifts, summer food surprises… By now, you have probably worked out that the women in TULIP are very concerned about their figure :D).

No summer is complete without the traditional “TULIP summer camp”. The stylish virtual reality bar VRBA prepared a great night for us with loads of awesome drinks. We can’t wait for next year’s summer camp, because the previous ones have been so unforgettable :D.
And the Christmas party? That’s a must and it’s legendary every year!

TULIP plans for 2018 consist of geared up company growth and lots more CSR activities. We’ll see how it goes .
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